Allergy is a disorder of immune system that is often called atopy. Allergic reactions occur to environmental substances known as allergens. Substances that often because allergic reactions are known as allergens.
It is seen only in certain people and hence such people are called allergic or atopic. People who are more prone to allergies are called atopic individuals. For e.g. when you are cleaning the house, some new relative who has just arrived to be with you for a few days starts sneezing, the moment you start dusting and cleaning whereas the other people in the house do not have any symptoms which means that your new relative is allergic to dust.
Allergies can cause runny nose, sneezing, swelling, itching, rashes or asthma. It is characterized by excessive activation of certain white blood cells called mast cells and basophils by a type of antibody called as IgE which results in inflammatory response is an antibody which is present in everyone in small amounts. Allergic persons, however, produce IgE in large quantities.
There are three stages to the allergic response: The first stage is called as sensitization where the immune system encounters the foreign substance and identifies it as an invader. It then prompts the immune system to recognize this invader as an enemy that needs to be destroyed in future. The subsequent stages are mast cell activation, and prolonged immune activation.
The first time an allergen meets the immune system, no allergic reaction occurs. Instead, the immune system prepares itself for future encounters with the allergen. Macrophages surround and break up the allergen.
The macrophages then display the allergen fragments on their cell walls to specialized white blood cells, called T lymphocytes. The T cells secrete a chemical called interleukin-4, which activates other white blood cells known as B lymphocytes.
These cells secrete antibodies specific for that particular allergen. These antibodies, called immunoglobulin E (IgE) receptors, are attached to cells in the immune system, called mast cells and basophils. Allergic individuals produce IgE in large amounts.
It usually occurs within minutes after the second exposure to an allergen. IgE antibodies on mast cells, constructed during the sensitization phase, recognize the allergen and bind to the invader. Once the allergen is bound to the receptor, granules in the mast cells release their contents.
These contents, or mediators, are substances such as histamine, platelet-activating factor, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes. Mediators trigger the allergy attack. Histamine causes redness, swelling, and inflammation. Prostaglandins constrict airways and enlarge blood vessels.
In Stage 3 tissue mast cells and neighboring cells produce chemical messengers that signal circulating basophils, eosinophils, and other cells to migrate into that tissue, to help fight the foreign material.
These immune cells secrete chemicals of their own that sustain inflammation, cause tissue damage, and recruit yet more immune cells. This phase occurs several hours after exposure and can last for hours and even days.
A number of tests are now available to diagnose allergic conditions; these include testing the skin for responses to known allergens or analyzing the blood for the presence and levels of allergen-specific IgE.
Blood Test: This test measures the amount of specific IgE circulating in the blood against a suspected allergen. This test is particularly useful when the patient has eczema and it is not possible to carry out skin prick test. The radioallergosorbent test (RAST) and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test are two types of blood analyses that can be used to diagnose allergies.
Skin Prick Test: It is more sensitive and specific and is usually carried out for assessing the presence of allergen-specific IgE antibodies. An allergy skin test is used to identify the substances that are causing your allergy reactions.
Skin testing is also known as "prick testing" due to the series of tiny puncture or pricks made into the patient's skin. Small amounts of suspected allergens or their extracts (pollen, grass, mite proteins, peanut extract, etc.) are introduced to sites on the skin marked with pen or dye.
A tip of lancet is used to puncture or prick the skin. Sometimes, the allergens are injected "intradermally" into the patient's skin, with a needle and syringe.
Common areas for testing include the inside forearm and the back. If the patient is allergic to the substance, then a visible inflammatory reaction will usually occur within 30 minutes.
This response will range from slight reddening of the skin to a full-blown wheal and flare known as 'hive' in more sensitive patients. Interpretation of the results of the skin prick test is normally done by allergists on a scale of severity, with +/- meaning borderline reactivity, and 4+ being a large reaction.
The diameter of the wheal and flare reaction is recorded and measured. Skin tests may not be performed if the patient has widespread skin disease or has not taken antihistamines for many days.
Homeopathic medicines have the capacity to treat allergies from the root. We have been able to cure people with allergies with the Homeopathic remedy selected after complete analysis and evaluation of the case. We have seen a regular follow up and dose management has given maximum benefit.
In order to achieve the desired results cooperation from the patient is also critical so it is a team effort to tackle allergies. Homeopathic medicines are completely safe, without any side effects and dependency.
Happy Livin Healthcare is a leading name in the field of Homeopathy, Nutrition and Wellness. We come with a rich experience of 16 years. We are experts in Online Homeopathic and Diet treatment. We have a defined treatment protocol which covers in-depth analysis and evaluation of the patient so that the desired results are achieved. We bring the best quality of treatment at your doorstep. We deliver Homeopathic medicines across the world currently reaching to 100 plus locations globally.