Disease Conditions

Corns and Callosities and role of Homeopathic treatment


In our day to day activities as we walk around or work sometimes a great force is applied to your hands and feet. Due to this, your skin is subjected to friction and pressure. Skin often protects itself by building up corns and calluses i.e. Thick, hardened layers of skin.


  • Corns and calluses are caused by pressure or friction on skin. A corn is usually caused due to shoes that do not fit properly. It is a thickened skin on the top or side of the toe. Too tight shoes or shoes with high heels compress the areas of your feet and give rise to corns
  • Wearing shoes without socks can lead to friction of your feet and cause corns and calluses
  • Farmers and rowers usually get calluses while working with tools in the fields which cause repeated pressure on hands
  • More common in diabetic patients and athletes

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Corns and calluses are not the same
  • Corns are smaller in size with a hard center surrounded by inflamed skin. They usually develop on the top or side of your toes
  • Calluses usually develop on the soles of the feet, under the heels or balls, on the palms or on the knees. Calluses are larger than corns
  • Thick and hardened skin with rough area
  • Flaky, dry or waxy skin
  • A hardened raised bump
  • Dull aching pain or tenderness may be present


Complications of corns and calluses are rare except in diabetic patients who are more prone to ulcers and infections. Hence they should take good care of their feet and get the corns and calluses treated.


Diagnosis can be made by examination of the skin by a doctor.

X-ray to rule out other causes of hardened skin and also to know whether any physical abnormality is causing corns and calluses.


Eliminating the cause can be helpful in treating corns and calluses such as changing your ill-fitting shoes. Calluses on the hand can be treated by wearing gloves during gardening or during activities that cause friction.

If calluses are due to bunions (A bunion is when your big toe points toward the second toe which causes a bump on the edge of your foot, at the joint of your big toe.) then it has to be treated accordingly.

In case of diabetics' skin should be protected and taken care to ensure that there is no infection.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines taken internally offer permanent cure for corns and calluses. Homeopathy also prevents its recurrences. It offers a painless and non-surgical cure for corns and calluses leaving behind no scar.

A homeopathic doctor while examining the patient will consider the location, sensation- whether there is any burning sensation or itching present. The individualization of the patient is important part of Homeopathy, considering the patient’s nature, his mental symptoms, desires and aversions and many more things. After that a homeopathic remedy is prescribed which leads to permanent cure in most of the cases.

Unlike other methods of treatment which includes using a corn cap or surgical removal, Homeopathy offers a permanent solution in a way that it prevents recurrence. Also Homeopathy prevents the corns to ulcerate further and get infected.

How Happy Livin will help you?

Happy Livin Healthcare is a leading name in the field of Homeopathy, Nutrition and Wellness. We come with a rich experience of 16 years. We are experts in Online Homeopathic and Diet treatment. We have a defined treatment protocol which covers in-depth analysis and evaluation of the patient so that the desired results are achieved. We bring the best quality of treatment at your doorstep. We deliver Homeopathic medicines across the world currently reaching to 100 plus locations globally.